Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Curve Balls of Life's Journey

Life's Journey continues and boy oh boy is it full of "curve balls"! I continue to learn how to allow God to take the bat in every circumstance of life, but it isn't that easy.  If you are like me, you have preconceived ideas of how to right a problem, find a solution or the steps it will take to make things o.k. again.  It is not often I want to just sit back and roll with the punches. No, not me! I must find the answers, search for the solutions and take some control of the situation.  If you are truly honest with yourself, I bet there a few of you out there who can relate to what I am saying.
We are the "doers", the ones who get into the game and strive to win at all costs. We do not want to just sit at the sidelines as a spectator. Most of us want to be a part of the solution, not a part of the problem.  We are the ones asked to join the team. We do not sit idle as we see the curve balls of life pass on by.  Instead, we are determined to catch the curve ball no matter how difficult it is to catch. We do not easily give up, but welcome the challenge.
We are the ones that have experienced success in finding solutions, whether others notice or not. If by chance someone does notice, it is like a bonus win that cheers you on to do it again. The bigger the challenge, the bigger the reward to find the answers, the solutions and to never give up.
Personally, I think God loves cheering us on to never give up, to face the trials of this life and to meet each challenge with open arms.  Yet, I also believe that there comes a time in life we must surrender and take a backseat. We must face the fact that we do not have all the answers and that sometimes in this life there isn't a solution.  We must admit that we are merely human. It is time to let God be the solution, to let Him be the hero and allow Him to bring victory.
During these past years, this is exactly what God is teaching me.  He has allowed me to strike out, to miss catching the curve balls of life and to finally realize in my human weakness He is made strong.  We all know life is not a game, but we often live it as one. We view the problems and trials of this life as the curve balls of life.  We allow ourselves to believe that if we only try harder and keep practicing that we can win over any life's challenge.  We don't stop to listen to God still small voice saying, "You don't have to go it alone. You do not need to have all the answers. You can rest in my strength and let me grant the victory."
I am no exception, for as each curve ball has headed my way, I have stretched out my arm with mitt in hand, determined to catch that curve ball and stop it dead in its tracks - never to affect my life again. Other times I have readied myself with a solid bat, determined to hit each ball out of the park. But to my surprise as I looked up to deal with the first curve ball, there before my very eyes was a second curve ball and then a third, a fourth and even a fifth! Soon it looked like a hailstorm of curve balls and my mitt and bat became the only shield to block each balls blow to my head.
Fear over whelmed me as I questioned how I could have the strength to continue to block each curve ball from their blow. No longer was I thinking how to catch them or hit them out of the park as they rocket down from the sky like an intense meteor shower.  I felt this was the end.  I could see no hope in sight. I had no answers, no solutions or strength to continue at such a pace.  I had to look beyond myself and ask for help.  I had to reach out to other believers and lend on them for strength, for encouragement and to borrow their hope.  I had to say to God, "Here I am, I must trust in you to met my needs, to help me survive this storm."
It was time for me to surrender my mitt and hand over my bat.  It was time for me to sit on the side lines, to rest in my saviors arms and let Him have control...trusting fully in Him for the outcome no matter what it may be...To know He does work all things for good for those whom love Him whether or not the storm continues for a time or stops to shine forth a ray of light.
My storm is not yet over, there are more dark clouds ahead as the curve balls continue to fall. Yet, I will not give up, but I also know my in my weakness He is made strong.  He will protect me, grant me hope and bring the victory.  I must know with Him there are answers and solution, but I must patiently wait, for His timing is perfect.  He knows how many curve balls I can handle.  He knows that each one serves a purpose and will bring blessing for all those who wait.
So as I sit here with all my bumps and bruises of lessons learned, I patiently wait...God is my strength, my victor and I will hide myself in the shelter of His wings.  I will not be afraid of the curve balls ahead, I will not go it alone, but trust in each moment of life God has given count my blessings and to rest in Him, trusting that He has the answers.  God is on my side.  He is the captain of my team. He has victory over every storm. Aaaah, peace be still...catch some joy and let the curve balls reign for I will not fear...I am journeying on!

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