Tuesday, January 20, 2009

It's a New Year!

 It's a New Year and so many of us resolve to do something to change our habits, life's journey or follow a dream. What is your resolution? Personally, I have given this much thought and I have come to the conclusion that I can make all the resolutions I want but if I don't have enough motivation and clear goals internalize I will never make it. Bottom line, it all begins with accepting myself as a valuable human being worth achieving my goals. For me that means fully grasping the fact I am a child of God and He would have died ONLY for me if one else existed. He loves me that much. He sees me as that valuable, that lovable and that close to His heart. He created me right from the start and knows everything about me. In reality, He loves you that much too!
The fact is if you go back to the beginning of time by reading Genesis you will notice that God spoke and things came into being. There were the sun and moon, the plants and animals, etc all created by His words. How mighty His words are to perform such wonders! Yet, please notice when it came to "human life" He did not just speak us into being. No! He personally touched us and formed us with His very hands. Then He went a step further, He breathed into us the breath of life and we became a living soul. Just think of that...that time to fully grasp that thought.
So WHY? Why did He not speak us into being like all other life?  He very well could have, but our God wanted a personal relationship with us. He wanted to show His love and compassion with His mighty touch to show His great love for us.  Isn't that amazing? Just think of it...Our God truly loves us and wants to personally be in your life, as well as mine! He could not have shown this more clearly than putting His love into His actions. This was His first step in showing His great love and care for us.
Back in the 70's there was a saying, "God doesn't make junk." Well, take that to heart because He formed you in your mother's womb and added His own personally touch right from the beginning of time. He loves you and cares about you. He wants the very best for you. He wants you to have a life more than abundant. He knows the plans He has for you and they are for good not harm. So remember each time you put yourself down and doubt yourself, it is then you are telling God He made junk.  It is the "evil one" who wants you to believe that...so kick him in the butt and choose to believe God's words for your life!!!
Ok, what does all this have to do with our New Year's Resolution? Well, I realize that if we can't grasp God's love for us and see ourselves as victorious in Him then we will often fail. So I challenge you today to begin the New Year claiming your spot as a child of God and knowing He is the one who makes you strong. He made you in His image and wants the best for your life. So make Him a part of your New year's Resolutions and you will be victorious! resolutions are an inside job. So remember you are God's child, His best! You are His winner! Happy New Year! Be blessed!