Monday, December 22, 2008

Hold On...Season's Greetings!

'Tis the season to be jolly, so that is what they say. But what if life has handed you a bad wrap? What if the only thing that is jolly is a jolly rancher just because of its name? During this season you may be wondering, is there meaning to life? Is there light at the end of the tunnel? Believe me I have "been there" and have "done that," and I am here to encourage you to hold on. You will be able to ride out of the snow storm. I am not about to pretend the ride will be easy, but I want you to know from the bottom of my heart that there is a reason and there is an can find hope.
What ever you are going through you must hang on to the fact there is a reason and it WILL work out for good in the long run, but you MUST believe. There is an answer for your every problem, but you must seek so you can find. There is HOPE for tomorrow...there is HOPE for YOU!
Again I say, you must believe! You must hang on to all that is true and find what blesses your life. You must begin to focus on the good in life instead of the problem. The fact is the more you find the good the more good will come to you. The more you focus on the problems the more problems will come to you. I am not saying don't take action to resolve your problem, but I am saying do not make it the focus for it will steal your joy and rob you of your blessing.
You see, if you keep searching you will discover that God had a plan and is began by creating a world to bring blessings to those He loves and created. That means YOU! He loved you so much that He sent His son to come into this world as a baby and to live as a human so we could relate to Him and He could personally know our pain. He has a plan for our future and it is not for harm, but for good. He doesn't want us to struggle with life, although He knows the evil want to destroy us and will do everything in his power to cause us heartache and pain.
You see, 'tis the season to be jolly and celebrate because starting right now you can begin to see the good in your life. You can begin to count your blessings and rid yourself of focusing on the problems that weigh you down. How? Just decide right here and now that you believe there is hope for you...there is an answer...a reason to live. You are loved beyond measure and it is up to you to accept the gift God is placing before you. It is the gift of HOPE...His Son who came to this world to give you eternal life so you can have JOY and life filled with blessings.
If you need someone to talk to, I am here to listen and journey with you. So hold your eyes..make a for the answers...for love has come in the form of a baby...for 'tis the season to be jolly. Celebrate your life and let God's Son love you! Season's Greetings!