Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Here's the Bat

When life throws us a curve ball it feels impossible to hit it or to even make it to first base, let alone to make a home run. We all want to succeed in life. We want to be ready for the curve balls in life. We want to win.
God has given me plenty of new opportunities to trust Him. There have been many times to practice hitting the curve balls of life. I wish I could say that I have always succeeded, but I have missed the ball and struck out many times. I wish I could say I consistently and fully trusted God each step of the way, but I haven't - I have missed the mark. The fact is, I had to learn it is because I was relying upon myself and not pulling my full trust in God. I was pushing away all those He sent to help me. They were sent as a part of the body of Christ to bless me but, I wanted to prove I was strong and I could win on my own. I didn't allow others to help me and be the hands and feet of Christ.
But the fact is, I have been scared, uncertain, and at times, very anxious. I knew many times I could not do it on my own. I knew I needed to trust God with health, healing, finances, my well-being, my relationships and the everyday journey of life. But I had much to learn. I had to strike out many times before this stubborn brain of mine would stop and listen to reason. Interestingly enough, all along the way, God has been faithful, as He patiently waited for me to acknowledge His present and keep on asking His help. Yes, although, I took life into my own hands, He remained trustworthy and ready to step in to assist me. He journeyed beside me even when I did not acknowledge Him.
It is humbling to realize you are in need of help and to have the full realization that you are not strong enough to make it on your own. You get discouraged when answers do not come quickly. Other times you wonder if God is even listening to your plead. Yet, His truth reigns, "...for in our weakness He is made strong."  He is faithful and desires to answer our prayers. The question is, am I willing to to place my life in His hands, to give Him the bat, to take full control once I place make my need known? Can I trust fully in Him. Is He really cheering for me to win? Can I believe His word? Will He truly answer my prayer? Is He really listening?
Amazingly enough, God is a God of integrity. He does not lie. He is the Promiser who keeps His promises! It matters not how long you try it on your own, He is always there ready and waiting for you to stop and acknowledge Him and simply ask for His help. He as our heavenly Father wants to provide our needs. He wants us to feel and know His great love. He is a God of infinite strength. His ability to pass all abilities. There is none like Him. He is the Creator of the universe and rules over all, yet He allows us to choose. We can choose not to ask for His help in our lives. We can ignore His Word and the words He gave us to encourage our heart. He communicates through His Word and in His still small voice if we only stop to listen. He is faithful in all He does. He WILL answer our prayers in His time. However, why is it so hard for us to believe these truths? In our humanness we linger our suffering by choosing to ignore the fact God is right there waiting to lean a hand. It must hurt Him to see us suffer needlessly. I can hear Him say, "My child, I am here for you...just reach out and I will help you...just ask me...My child I am here, I will wait, I will remain here for as long as it takes...I love you."
So as life journeys on, I strive to hear God still small voice, to remember He is here to help me if only I call upon Him. I must ask for His help and let my needs be known. Still, I am learning to trust Him and let Him take control...for I may not be able to see what is coming at me in life, but I know I have a faithful, capable and trustworthy team leader. One who has a keen eye, a steady hand and knows all the angles. I can trust Him know matter what lies ahead. He WILL answer in due time, so I cannot give up!  As His word says, "Ask and it will be given to you!"
As I seek to continue this journey in life, there will be plenty of opportunities to trust God anew. So what about you? Can you take that chance to place your life in the hands of God? Can you trust Him to know the next move? Are you willing to ask Him for your needs and not give up?
Though I don't know fully the plans that God has for me, I am learning to step out in faith. For He does know the plan and I can TRUST HIM every plan of my life. For He has said, "For I know the plans I have for you," declare the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
So for now, I ask God to join the team, teach me the swing of the bat to trust His keen eye and know His heart is alway cheering for me. He will answer my prayers and guide my life. Can you let yourself hear His cheers? Will you give Him the bat? Come on, I know you can do it...TOGETHER, with God we will WIN the game, for in Christ we are victorious throughout eternity!  OK, I am asking...I am ready - Here is the bat God, I am ready to never give up! Let's play ball!


Anonymous said...

Laurie, one of the things that my conversations with you struck deep in my heart is the reality that Jesus is WITH us and He is at work. Love the way that came out in this blog. Trust is an adventure, isn't it! This week I was reminded that Psalm 23 doesn't say "I will ENCOUNTER no evil for You are with me..." It says that we will FEAR no evil. The encounter is assumed...and He is Present and trustworthy in it. Thanks for the reminder that He knows all the angles. He does! I think I sent this to you before...but a song that has encouraged me lately is "Stronger" by Hillsong...

Grace and peace to you my friend!

Anonymous said...

beautiful! I think I have found yet another kindred spirit! God bless!

hoovstir - Laurie said...

THANKS everyone for your kind words and encouragement...I give God ALL the PRAISE and GLORY...His is at work in this humble mind and body of mine. May each of you be encouraged by the words He inspires me to write. Blessings on each of you! Keep journeying on...