Friday, October 17, 2008

Remembering...counting the blessings

Thanksgiving time is approaching (unless you are Canadian, then it is past) the harvest has been gathered; the leaves are beginning to fall. So I challenge you this season to sit and gaze in amazement as you watch the colorful the leaves dance to the earth. Begin to think of each leaf as a blessing that has occurred in your life. We truly have so much to be thankful for in this life; we often miss the blessing and let it drift on by. Don't miss out on your blessing, count your blessings; name them one by one. Give all praise to our father in heaven who continues to desire all good things for us; blessing us more than abundantly through good times or bad.
There is much that has happened in my own life that I could discount any blessings, but I continue to choose to seek out each day the thinks I am grateful for no matter how small. On some days it may be as simple as thanking God that I am breathing or that I can still smile. It amazes me that each time I put energy into counting the blessings something happens to me on the inside. My load begins to feel lighter and I can see a slight glimmer of hope at the end of the tunnel. I find it easier to bring a smile to my face and reach out in love to others.
So today take the time to sit and watch the leaves dance to the ground...count your blessings, name them one my one!
Be blessed and SMILE!
(Don't forget to add a bit of laughter is good medicine for us all!)

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